May 31, 2022

Pre-Rolls: Repeat purchase rates of strains in Washington

Are customers loyal to certain cannabis strains and brands when purchasing Pre-Rolls? We take a look at the data to find out.
Written by
Blake Fery
Published on
May 31, 2022
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There are many choices when it comes to purchasing cannabis products, particularly when it comes to strains. Are customers loyal to certain strain types and brands when they’re purchasing Pre-Rolls? To find out we looked at the repeat purchase rates, or the rate at which customers returned to the same strain type, strain name, or brand in a twelve month period in Washington.

Popularity of strain types in Washington

Popularity of cannabis strains in Pre-Rolls in Washington image 1: Repeat purchase rate of Pre-Roll strain type

In this graph, we see how often customers come back to purchase the same type of strain (Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid) in the Pre-Roll category in Washington. The highest repeat purchase rate among these strain types in the Pre-Roll category was Sativa with a customer repeat purchase rate of 26.4%, which is 27% higher than the repeat purchase rate of Indica strains. Next, let’s see if there are individual strains driving repeat purchases within each strain type.

Top Pre-Roll strains by repeat purchase rate

Popularity of cannabis strains in Pre-Rolls in Washington image 2: Top 10 Pre-Roll strains by repeat purchase rate

This graph shows the top ten most repeatedly purchased strains in Washington, color coded by strain type (green for Sativa, yellow for Hybrid, and purple for Indica). As we saw in the previous graph, Hybrid strains have the second highest repeat purchase rate among the three strain types. However, two of the three most repeatedly purchased strains are both Hybrid strains (Chronic and SMC). Half of these top ten strains are Sativas, which makes sense since the Sativa strain type has the highest repeat purchase rate. Conversely, there is only one Indica strain (Blueberry) in the top ten.

Top Pre-Roll brands by repeat purchase rate

Popularity of cannabis strains in Pre-Rolls in Washington image 3: Top 10 Pre-Roll brands by repeat purchase rate in Washington

Now, let’s take a look at the top ten brands by repeat purchase rate in Washington. Despite the wider disparity in Pre-Roll repeat purchase rates that we saw earlier when looking at strain types and strain names, there is much more parity when it comes to brands. Stingers is the most repeatedly purchased Pre-Roll brand at 52.5%, and Stone Age Pre-Rolls are the tenth most repeatedly purchased at 44.6%.

While there is an overwhelming amount of strains available in the Pre-Roll category, we can see from the above data that customers tend to return to the types of strains and brands that they’ve previously purchased. Knowing this information can be particularly valuable when trying to target consumers with promotions for certain types of strains or brands. If you’d like to drill into strain data in the Pre-Roll category in Washington or in other legal markets, or find opportunities in different product categories, sign up for a demo today.

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