April 18, 2024

Countdown to 420: Spotlight on Leading Cannabis Brands and Categories

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Team Headset
Published on
April 18, 2024
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As April 20th draws near, we look back at past trends while brands and retailers gear up for the most significant day of the year in our industry. In 2023, the US saw the most substantial sales increase in Concentrates (+177%), Beverages (+164%), and Pre-Rolls (+153%) on this holiday compared to the previous four weeks. Similarly, Canada experienced a significant jump in sales of Pre-Rolls (+49%), and Beverages (+48%) on the same day last year.

Pre-Roll and Beverage categories seem to be favorites among consumers on 4/20, but what exactly are they purchasing? The data reveals that carbonated beverages, iced teas, lemonades, and fruit drinks witness the highest surge on this day. Furthermore, the connoisseur/infused segment of Pre-Rolls experiences the most significant increase, with consumers seek something extra kick to mark the occasion.

Top Products

The products that had the most increase in sales on 4/20/2023.


St Ides

High Tea (100mg THC, 12oz, 355ml) - $5

Drink chilled, mix, or get creative and top off a snow cone. However you get down, this punch guaranteed to hit.

Uncle Arnie’s

Infused Drink (100mg THC, 8oz) - $8.93

Boasting powerful THC content, you'll be hard-pressed to detect it in the refreshingly familiar tang of classic iced tea lemonade.

Keef Cola

Classic Soda (100mg THC, 355ml) - $10.70

First introduced in January 2010, the Keef Classic soda line (previously known as Keef Cola) is the most awarded cannabis beverage in the world. They’re everything you love about the sweet and timeless soda flavor with a burst of THC for added effect.



Baby Jeeter - Infused Pre-Roll 5-Pack (2.5g) - $29.72

In each jar, you'll find a hand crafted, hand rolled 5 0.5-gram Jeeter joints. They're made with premium indoor grown flower, infused with Liquid Diamonds in California and Michigan or distillate oil in Arizona, and dusted in kief. 5-minute burn time each.


40's Infused Pre-Roll 5-Pack (2.5g) - $29.40

Infused premium flower with live resin all packed in a kief dusted cone. Named 40’s to emphasize their standout potency showcasing a rich cannabinoid profile


Gold Label - Infused Pre-Roll (1.5g) - $19.48

Premium flower and live resin meet to make Kaviar Gold, the smoothest and most potent Kaviar product to date.

Today's consumers have a vast array of products to choose from, leading to a multitude of brand experiences. Historical data shows that consumers often prefer categories like Beverages and Pre-Rolls, favoring multipacks and high potency products. They also seek to capitalize on the 70%-80% increase in discounts to score deals on premium products like concentrates. As a retailer, are you stocked with some of the industry's top brands? As a brand, do you have the insights required to evaluate your 420 performance against your competitors? As always, we at Headset have got you covered.

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