Beverages Buck the Trend in California

Team Headset
July 12, 2024
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Overall Market Performance

The California cannabis market experienced a significant contraction in June 2024, with an overall year-over-year decline of 8.5%. This decline marks a concerning trend for the industry, which has faced various challenges over the past year. Factors such as increased regulation, changes in consumer behavior, and economic pressures have contributed to this downward trajectory.

Finding Bright Spots

Examining the performance of the California cannabis market over the past few years reveals a pattern of fluctuation. While there have been periods of growth, the market has struggled with a consistent downward trend. The decline in June 2024 is part of a broader pattern of volatility, reflecting the complex and evolving nature of the cannabis industry.

Analyzing individual categories within the California cannabis market is crucial because it provides a more nuanced understanding of market dynamics. While the overall market has declined, some categories have shown resilience or even growth, highlighting consumer preferences and emerging trends. This granular analysis helps businesses identify opportunities and tailor strategies to capitalize on specific segments that are performing better than the average.

Category Performance Highlights


The standout performer, beverages, is the only category that experienced positive growth, with a notable 7.81% year-over-year increase in June 2024. This growth is part of a consistent upward trend for beverages throughout the year, highlighting a strong consumer interest in cannabis-infused drinks. The convenience, discreet consumption, and innovative flavors likely contribute to their popularity.


Another category that performed better than the market average, although still experiencing a decline, is pre-rolls. With a modest decrease of 5.20%, pre-rolls remain a popular choice for consumers seeking ready-to-use products. The slight decline suggests that while there are challenges, pre-rolls continue to attract a significant consumer base.

Vapor Pens

Vapor pens also showed a relatively better performance, with a 4.96% decline. The demand for vapor pens remains robust, driven by their portability and perceived lower health risks compared to smoking. This category's performance indicates a steady consumer preference despite the overall market downturn.

The Lowlights

Tincture & Sublingual

This category experienced the steepest decline at 24.34%, indicating a sharp drop in consumer demand. Factors such as competition from other product forms and possible shifts in consumer preferences may have impacted this segment.


With an 8.43% decline, concentrates have also struggled. The complexity of use and the availability of simpler consumption methods could be factors affecting their performance.


The traditional category of flower saw a 12.55% decline. Despite being a staple product, its decline suggests that consumers are increasingly opting for more convenient and discreet alternatives.


Experiencing a 14.55% decline, topicals have faced challenges in maintaining consumer interest, possibly due to limited product innovation or competition from other wellness products.

Comparison with Beverages

The contrasting performance of these categories against the beverages category highlights key market dynamics. Beverages' consistent growth amidst the overall decline underscores the importance of innovation, convenience, and meeting evolving consumer preferences. Meanwhile, the significant declines in other categories suggest areas where market strategies may need to be reevaluated to align better with current consumer demands.

While the overall California cannabis market has faced a challenging year, analyzing individual categories reveals a more complex and varied landscape. Beverages' standout performance offers valuable insights into successful market strategies, while the underperformance of other categories highlights areas needing attention and adaptation.


The California cannabis market's 8.5% year-over-year decline in June 2024 highlights significant challenges facing the industry. However, a deeper analysis of individual categories reveals a more nuanced picture, with certain segments showing resilience and even growth. The beverage category stands out as a bright spot, consistently growing each month and showcasing the power of innovation and consumer-focused product development. Meanwhile, other categories such as pre-rolls and vapor pens, while not growing, have managed to perform better than the market average, indicating pockets of consumer loyalty and preference.

Understanding these category-specific trends is crucial for businesses operating in the cannabis market. By identifying and capitalizing on the strengths of high-performing segments like beverages, and addressing the weaknesses in declining categories, businesses can better navigate the market's complexities and enhance their competitive edge.

Stay Informed

For cannabis retailers and producers, the insights from this analysis offer clear guidance. Focus on innovation and convenience to drive growth, particularly in product categories showing strong consumer demand. Invest in understanding consumer preferences and adapting strategies to meet these needs. Stay informed about market trends and be agile in responding to shifts in consumer behavior.

Now is the time to reevaluate your product offerings, marketing strategies, and operational efficiencies. Embrace the potential for growth in emerging segments like cannabis beverages, and address the challenges in underperforming categories. By doing so, you can position your business to thrive even in a challenging market environment.

Stay ahead of the curve, leverage data-driven insights, and make strategic decisions to ensure your success in the evolving California cannabis market.

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Team Headset
July 12, 2024
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