Cold Fire

Data Snapshot: Sep 06, 2024
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Cold Fire


ColdFire Extracts is a renowned cannabis brand based in California, renowned for its flavorful, Michelin Star-rated experience using all-natural, potent extracts with no additives or degradation. The brand's offerings span from their exclusive Juice Cured Resin/Live Resin Cart, claimed as the world's most flavorful cured vape cart, to a range of top-quality vapes and distinct cannabis strains like "Zruntz 41" and "Caramel Sunset". ColdFire's emphasis on transparent, adult-focused content, unclaimed business profile, and community connections further underscores its status as both a key player and a distinctive voice in the California cannabis industry.

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Product Trends

Cold Fire Categories

Cold Fire Sales

Market Insights Snapshot

Cold Fire Historical Sales by Category

Cold Fire's performance in the California market has shown significant fluctuations across different product categories. In the Concentrates category, Cold Fire experienced notable volatility, moving from a rank of 45 in June 2024 to an impressive 18 in July 2024, before plummeting to 88 in August 2024. This sharp decline may indicate challenges in maintaining market share or could reflect a highly competitive landscape in the Concentrates category. Conversely, in the Vapor Pens category, Cold Fire maintained a relatively stable presence, starting at rank 12 in May 2024 and gradually decreasing to rank 24 by August 2024. This suggests a consistent demand for their vapor pens, albeit with some decline over the months.

It's important to note that Cold Fire's absence from the top 30 brands in the Concentrates category for May and August 2024 highlights potential areas for improvement or shifts in consumer preferences. The brand's significant drop in rank during August in the Concentrates category could be a red flag for stakeholders. On the other hand, their sustained presence in the Vapor Pens category, even with a gradual decline, indicates a more stable performance. The sales trends further underline these movements, with a noticeable peak in July 2024 for Concentrates followed by a sharp downturn, while Vapor Pens showed a more gradual decrease in sales over the same period.

Aug-2024 Rank
Vapor Pens
Cold Fire

Competitive Landscape

In the competitive landscape of vapor pens in California, Cold Fire has experienced significant fluctuations in rank and sales over the past few months. Notably, Cold Fire's rank dropped from 12th in May 2024 to 24th by August 2024, indicating a sharp decline in market position. This downward trend contrasts with competitors like Alien Labs, which maintained a relatively stable rank, only slipping from 19th to 22nd over the same period. Meanwhile, Punch Extracts / Punch Edibles showed a slight improvement, moving from 20th to 23rd. Interestingly, Clsics demonstrated a positive trajectory, climbing from 34th to 25th, suggesting a growing market presence. These shifts highlight the competitive volatility in the vapor pen category and underscore the need for Cold Fire to reassess its strategies to regain its former standing.

Cold Fire market ranking for CA Vapor Pens

Cold Fire

Notable Products

In August 2024, the top-performing product for Cold Fire was the ColdFire x Blem - Unruly OG Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g), maintaining its number one rank from previous months with a notable sales figure of 10,064 units. The Tangie Ting Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g) held steady in the second position, consistent with its ranking in July 2024. New entrants in the top five include the Cold Fire x Foreign Genetics - Sherblato Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g) and the Bolo Runtz Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g), ranked third and fourth respectively. The Cellofornia Premium Oil (1g) rounded out the top five. These rankings show a stable performance for the top two products, while the new entries indicate a diversification in consumer preferences.

Product Rank
ColdFire x Blem - Unruly OG Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g)
Vapor Pens
Tangie Ting Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g)
Vapor Pens
Cold Fire x Foreign Genetics - Sherblato Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g)
Vapor Pens
Bolo Runtz Cured Resin Juice Cartridge (1g)
Vapor Pens
Cellofornia Premium Oil (1g)
Vapor Pens
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Data for this report comes from real-time sales reporting by participating cannabis retailers via their point-of-sale systems, which are linked up with Headset’s business intelligence software. Headset’s data is very reliable, as it comes digitally direct from our partner retailers. However, the potential does exist for misreporting in the instance of duplicates, incorrectly classified products, inaccurate entry of products into point-of-sale systems, or even simple human error at the point of purchase. Thus, there is a slight margin of error to consider. Brands listed on this page are ranked in the top twenty within the market and product category by total retail sales volume.

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